Recherche et publications sur l’hypnose – Décembre 2015

International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis
Vol. 64 Issue 1 – 2016

Hypnose et stress post-traumatique

A Meta-Analysis for the Efficacy of Hypnotherapy in Alleviating PTSD Symptoms, Rotaru TȘ, Rusu A, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2016 Jan-Mar;64(1)

Hypnose et douleur aigüe

Hypnosis for Acute Procedural Pain: A Critical Review, Kendrick C, Sliwinski J, Yu Y, Johnson A, Fisher W, Kekecs Z, Elkins G, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2016 Jan-Mar;64(1)

Tout le sommaire de l’International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis – Vol. 64 Issue 1 – 2016

Hypnose et système nerveux autonome

Alterations in electrodermal activity and cardiac parasympathetic tone during hypnosis, Kekecs Z, Szekely A, Varga K, Psychophysiology. 2015 Oct 21

Hypnose et conscience

Hypnosis modulates behavioural measures and subjective ratings about external and internal awareness
Demertzi A, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Noirhomme Q, Faymonville ME, Laureys S, J Physiol Paris. 2015 Nov

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