Recherche et publications sur l’hypnose – Septembre 2015

International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis
Vol. 63 Issue 4 – 2015

Numéro spécial dédié aux contributions de Jay Haley sur l’hypnose

> Tout le sommaire de l’International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis – Vol. 63 Issue 4 – 2015

Hypnose, obstétrique et stress post-traumatique

Post-traumatic stress disorder managed successfully with hypnosis and the rewind technique: two cases in obstetric patients, Slater, PM, Int J Obstet Anesth. 2015 Aug;24(3):272-5

Hypnose, musique et cancer

Hypnosis and music interventions (HMIs) inactivate HIF-1: A potential curative efficacy for cancers and hypertension,
Wang JZ, Li L, Pan LL, Chen JH.

American journal of clinical hypnosis (Volume 58, Issue 2, 2015)

American Journal of Clinical HypnosisHypnose et troubles gastro-intestinaux

Hypnosis Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders: A Comprehensive Review of the Empirical Evidence, Olafur S. Palsson, American journal of clinical hypnosis volume 58 issue 2 2015
Tout le sommaire de l’American journal of clinical hypnosis volume 58 issue 2 2015


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